Drop-in is free to members of FLCC. For non-members, it is a chance to try a fun and exciting sport. Signing a waiver is required and there is a fee of $10.00/person. Exact change please. Non-members download waiver here. Non-members must bring a waiver to every drop-in.
To cancel or you have questions, contact Lynette at [email protected]
Sign-up by 5:00 pm, Saturday. The determination to go or cancel will be made at that time. Meet at Canoe Dock (Marina Park) by 9:45.

Sign Up
You are signing up for...
Paddler on January 26, 2025
Start Time: 10:00 AMEnd Time: 11:15 AM
If you have an account, it is strongly recommended that you login before you sign up so that you can view and edit all your signups.